
It's safe to assume that we all have at least one mirror in our home. We use mirrors to reflect what our appearance is at that very moment. So what about when we come to theend of another year? Isn't it theperfect time to reflect on where we are at this very moment and to take time to remember how God has moved and worked in our lives over the past year?

01/28/2024 - 11:00am | Campus: Burlington Campus

In life, there are things in particular that are simply foundational to everything else we do. When we are aware of a bigger picture, it helps us make the decisions we need to make in life. This is no different when it comes to the life of the church body. More specifically, when it comes to serving like Christ calls us to. 

It is foundational that when we call ourselves Christians, it means we are followers of Christ. And when we are followers of Christ, we are meant to serve. As we continue to take a look at our reflection in the mirror as individuals and as a church, we learn that when we minister corporately in our community, it can affect serving as individual people within our church body. Listen to this week's sermon to know what that can actually look like in our everyday lives.

01/28/2024 - 10:00am | Campus: Belmont Campus

In life, there are things in particular that are simply foundational to everything else we do. When we are aware of a bigger picture, it helps us make the decisions we need to make in life. This is no different when it comes to the life of the church body. More specifically, when it comes to serving like Christ calls us to. 

It is foundational that when we call ourselves Christians, it means we are followers of Christ. And when we are followers of Christ, we are meant to serve. As we continue to take a look at our reflection in the mirror as individuals and as a church, we learn that when we minister corporately in our community, it can affect serving as individual people within our church body. Listen to this week's sermon to know what that can actually look like in our everyday lives.

01/21/2024 - 11:00am | Campus: Burlington Campus

Money is not the easiest topic to talk about for some of us. It feels like a subject that we are to keep private and not discuss with others. However, the Bible talks about money often which means this area of our life matters to the Lord. So in our current series, how do we look at our reflection as a church and as individuals when it comes to our finances? And how do we know if money is affecting our lives in a negative or positive way?

This week we look at the book of James to guide us in how we should steward our finances and how we are to treat others when it comes to the area of money. How we spend and handle the money God has given us matters to the heart of God and can affect both our character and our comfort.

01/21/2024 - 10:00am | Campus: Belmont Campus

Money is not the easiest topic to talk about for some of us. It feels like a subject that we are to keep private and not discuss with others. However, the Bible talks about money often which means this area of our life matters to the Lord. So in our current series, how do we look at our reflection as a church and as individuals when it comes to our finances? And how do we know if money is affecting our lives in a negative or positive way?

This week we look at the book of James to guide us in how we should steward our finances and how we are to treat others when it comes to the area of money. How we spend and handle the money God has given us matters to the heart of God and can affect both our character and our comfort.

01/14/2024 - 11:00am | Campus: Burlington Campus

God's Word is quite clear when it comes to bearing false testimony. We understand that lying is a sin against God and that it is one of the Ten Commandments that we are to follow. However, aren't there still times we find ourselves not telling the truth or being less than honest with those around us? And when it comes to our relationship with God, are we ever untruthful with Him?

We may only think of lying when it comes to our earthly relationships but when we look a little deeper, we can see that there are times when we are not truthful with the Lord in our prayer life. Continuing on in our Church in the Mirror sermon series, we take time to observe our reflection as individuals and as a body of believers in order to understand our prayer life, the importance of truth in our prayers and what can keep us from being honest with God.

01/14/2024 - 10:00am | Campus: Belmont Campus

God's Word is quite clear when it comes to bearing false testimony. We understand that lying is a sin against God and that it is one of the Ten Commandments that we are to follow. However, aren't there still times we find ourselves not telling the truth or being less than honest with those around us? And when it comes to our relationship with God, are we ever untruthful with Him?

We may only think of lying when it comes to our earthly relationships but when we look a little deeper, we can see that there are times when we are not truthful with the Lord in our prayer life. Continuing on in our Church in the Mirror sermon series, we take time to observe our reflection as individuals and as a body of believers in order to understand our prayer life, the importance of truth in our prayers and what can keep us from being honest with God.

01/07/2024 - 11:00am | Campus: Burlington Campus

It's a new year! With it comes a fresh start and exciting plans as we decide what goals to set and resolutions to make. Many of us like to try new things and see changes in our lives as we enter a new leg of the journey. It might be easier to make these plans in tangible ways for the new year. But what about when it comes to being in God's Word each day? Maybe we don't see changes right away, but does that make the discipline any less important?

Certainly not. The Bible says when we look into His Word, it's like looking into a mirror. So what reflection do we see when we read His Word? As believers, there is always work to be done in our own lives when we learn more of who He is from the scriptures. Listen in to this week's sermon to learn more about how to dive into His Word and how reading the Bible can affect our days.

12/31/2023 - 10:00am | Campus: Burlington Campus

We can think of this not only as individuals, but it is also vital to reflect upon where God has brought us throughout the year as the body of Christ. This week as we begin our new sermon series entitled, Church in the Mirror, we take some quality time together to dig deep into Psalm 77. We learn more about who God is, how to remember Him and gain an understanding of how He has met us specifically in 2023 as individuals and as a body.